Peer Review Process

ShariaBiz prioritizes the publication of high-quality and impactful research. To ensure this, ShariaBiz maintains a stringent peer-review process characterized by anonymity and meticulous evaluation. This paper outlines the key stages of this process, emphasizing its role in upholding scholarly integrity.

Initial Manuscript Assessment: Manuscripts undergo preliminary scrutiny by the editorial team to ascertain their alignment with the journal's scope and adherence to publication guidelines. Submissions exceeding a 20% similarity threshold to existing works are promptly rejected to maintain originality. Additionally, manuscripts that fail to comply with formatting and citation standards are returned for correction and resubmission.

Selection of Qualified Reviewers: The editorial board meticulously selects at least two independent reviewers with demonstrable expertise in the germane field of the submitted manuscript. To minimize bias and safeguard anonymity, reviewers are chosen such that they are not acquainted with the authors. The editorial team strives to appoint reviewers within a four-week time frame.

Double-Blind Evaluation: Reviewers assess the manuscript's scientific rigor, originality, and pertinence to the discipline within a two-week period. This evaluation is conducted in a double-blind fashion, ensuring anonymity for both reviewers and authors. Reviewers provide comprehensive feedback to the authors, recommending acceptance, revision, or rejection based on the manuscript's merits.

Editorial Decision-Making: The editor-in-chief makes the final call on the manuscript's fate (acceptance, rejection, or revision request) by carefully considering reviewer feedback and ensuring adherence to publication criteria. In instances where reviewer opinions diverge significantly, the editor-in-chief may solicit input from additional reviewers to arrive at a well-informed decision. The editorial decision, along with anonymized reviewer comments, is communicated to the authors within one month. Accepted manuscripts typically appear in print within 2-6 months of acceptance.

Revision Stage and Final Approval: Authors are afforded the opportunity to revise their manuscripts in accordance with reviewer recommendations. A revised version accompanied by a response letter addressing the feedback is submitted for re-evaluation. The turnaround time for revisions is generally two weeks for minor changes and four weeks for substantial revisions. Reviewers who assessed the original manuscript re-evaluate those with major revisions to ascertain the adequacy of the revisions.

Final Steps and Publication: Manuscripts approved for publication undergo copyediting and formatting to conform to ShariaBiz's editorial style. Following these final steps, the research is disseminated to the wider academic community.

In conclusion, ShariaBiz's comprehensive peer-review process guarantees the publication of research that adheres to the highest standards of scholarly integrity and quality. This process fosters academic rigor and ensures that ShariaBiz publishes only the most valuable contributions to the field of Islamic economics, management and business.